Graphic Designer


The Tailgate Garage: Grand Opening Campaign

While working as Lead Designer for IBC Digital Marketing, I had the opportunity to work on many different digital campaigns for our clients. One of our clients, The Tailgate Garage, underwent a complete rebranding during the summer of 2020. Unfortunately, due to Covid-19, The Tailgate Garage was unable to re-open until January of 2021. I was tasked with creating the style guide, creative content, and overall direction for this grand re-opening campaign. As I was brainstorming different ideas, I thought about the obstacle that Covid-19 has been for everyone, especially small businesses like The Tailgate Garage. Playing off this idea of an obstacle, or “glitch” as it would be called in the digital world, The Arcade Glitch Campaign was born.

Click through the slideshow to see a compilation of some of the creative content that went in to the campaign.